Friday, December 10, 2010

My Name Is NOT Speed...Yet!

Wednesday night I had my second Speed Workout with Katie at the Pettit Center.  And to be honest with you, I was dreading it  I've just had a super busy week and the thought of having to run real fast was nauseating.  BUT since I made a deal with Katie I had to do it.  That's the great part about running dates, you can't easily back out without looking like an ass so it forces you to go.  Katie has been running for yearssss and you'd definitely be able to tell by how awesomely fit she is!  She's been a friend of mine for a couple years now and has been part of my running journey since day 1! So thank you Katie for putting up with all my complaints, my slow pace and answering all my zillions of questions.  You're the best!

Now, I was a little more eased when actually going to Pettit this week since it wasn't my first time.  But when I got there it felt like it was just yesterday that I was there for my first Speed Workout (which was ridiculous!).  Seriously, there's nothing more intimidating than being a beginner runner going to train at the same place as real Olympic athletes as well as having to train with kids half your size who can easily lap me on the track!

But anywho, here's a quick recap of Speed Workout #1:
1 mile warm up
3x800s w/400 walks in between
1 mile cool down

My times (roughly...can't remember exacts):

Overall, it sucked.  Katie kicked my ass.  I don't think I've ever ran that long/fast in my life.  BUT I did it AND I finished all my laps without walking.  Definitely a successful work out. 

Now back to Speed Workout #2.  Recap:
1 mile warm up
2 sets of 3x400s w/400 walks/jogs in between
1 mile cool down
TOTAL: 19 laps around the Pettit Center = 5.33 miles

My times:
1st set- 1:57

2nd set- 2:06

Katie, again, managed to kick my ass.  But it's all good.  I need somebody like her to push me, motivate me and praise me when I finish!  She's the perfect running mentor/coach.  My favorite parts of our work out are the warm up and cool down, ha.  But seriously, it's nice to be able to jog next to somebody and chit chat.  Never before could I actually do this!  In the past, even while just jogging, I'd be too out of breath to hold a conversation and now I can.  For an entire mile!  Woo hoo!'s the little things that excite me. And given how much I was dreading our work out, in the end I'm so glad we did it.  It felt amazing once we finished.  A nice sense of accomplishment.

So now it's Friday.  The soreness has pretty much worn off (I was extremely sore yesterday- mainly in my calves and arms) and now I'm bracing myself for my 6 (S-I-X!!) mile jaunt tomorrow.  I'm also hoping Mother Nature cuts me a little slack this weekend but supposedly we're going to get another 4-6 inches of snow by Sunday...yippee...

Ok, until next time!

Oh!  Almost forgot, for those of you who are wondering this is what I wore:
Running tights
Tall socks
Dri fit tank
Dri fit l/s shirt
Light weight dri fit hoodie

I was able to shed a few of my layers since the Pettit Center is 40 degrees!


  1. Speed training? Dang girl! You're on your way to becoming a serious runner! I did not speed train when training for my half marathon (woops) but that will only help you in the long run. Why is the Petit Center so cold? I guess I forgot that you are probably running a lap around the ice rink!

  2. "that will only help you in the long run" -- pun intended!!!

  3. Yes! It's cold in there cause it's a huuuuge room filled with ice! It has 2 hockey rinks in it as well as a speed skating rink around them. And then the track surrounds all of it. Quite large and quite cold!
